Revizija normi ISO 9001 i ISO 14001

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Two of the major ISO management system standards are undergoing revisions. Drafting of the revised standards started in the fall of 2023. The work is now expected to be concluded in 2026 for both the quality management system standard ISO 9001 and the environmental management system standard ISO 14001.

This means that the expected changes and transition timeline are starting to emerge. Based on the design specifications and the first drafts of the standards, there is reason to believe that the changes, for both standards, will not be too extensive. We will communicate more on the expected changes when the draft (DIS) versions of the standards are publicly released. This is expected to be early 2025 for ISO 14001 and toward mid-2025 for ISO 9001.

We will continue to update it and add more information as the revision process progresses.

The revised standards

ISO 9001:2026


  • The draft (DIS) version is expected to be released mid-year 2025.
  • Expected publication date of the revised standard is September 2026.

ISO 14001:2026


  • The draft (DIS) version is expected to be released early 2025.
  • Expected publication date of the revised standard is January 2026.

Transition Rules and Timelines

The transition period is typically a maximum of three years, but in the case of limited changes it may be shorter. The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) is expected to develop mandatory documents for the transition of certificates to the new standards.

Preparing for implementation

For now, we are waiting on updated drafts for both the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. Therefore, it is suggested that you wait with tangible preparations to transition until the drafts have further progressed.

Then we recommend you start preparing for the transition as early as possible and plan properly to incorporate needed changes into your management system.

Recommended steps for the transition:

  • Get to know the contents and requirements of the new standard. Focus on the changes implied by the revised standard.
  • Ensure that relevant personnel in your organization are trained and understand the requirements and key changes.
  • Identify gaps which need to be addressed to meet the new requirements and establish an implementation plan.
  • Implement actions and update your management system to meet the new requirements.

How we can support

Once you start preparing to transition to the new version of ISO 9001 and/or ISO 14001, DNV can support your journey.
We will be able to support you with:

  • Training where you learn about the revision and get a basic overview of key changes and the transition process.
  • Online self-assessment tools and onsite/off-site gap assessments to measure how well your management system meets the new requirements.
  • Transition audit to move your certification in line with the new version of the standard.

We can support you every step of the way.